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generateCourseFromElement(Element, User, ViewSpecification) - Static method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
Generates a new Course from a <tr> HTML element
generateFromJsonObject(JSONObject) - Static method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
Creates a new Assignment from a JSONObject retrieved by a PowerschoolClient and asked for by a Course object
get(int) - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.CourseGetter
Gets the nth result
get(String) - Method in interface org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.util.DocumentFetcher
Returns a Document from a HTTP GET request
getAs(User, String) - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.client.DefaultPowerschoolClient
Preforms a GET request with the authentication cookies of a User object
getAs(User, String) - Method in interface org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.client.PowerschoolClient
Preforms a GET request with the authentication cookies of a User object
getAssignmentId() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getAssignments(GradingPeriod) - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
Gets all assignments for this Course
getAt(int) - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.util.ViewSpecification
Gets the ColumnMode at a specific column index
getAuth() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.User
getAuthCookies() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.UserConfig
getCategory() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getClient() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.User
getClient() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.UserConfig
getConfig() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.User
getConstructionDocument() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.UserConfig
getCourseFrequency() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
getCourseGrades() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
getCourseName() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
getCourses() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.PowerschoolStatistics
Returns courses of this statistics object.
getCourses() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.UserGpa
Returns the DetailedCourses
getCourses() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.User
getCreditHours() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.DetailedCourse
Returns the number of credit hours for this DetailedCourse.
getDueDate() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getDueDateString() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getFlagContainer() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getGpa() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.UserGpa
Returns the GPA as a double.
getGradeGroup(GradingPeriod) - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
Gets the GradeGroup object for this Course during a specific GradingPeriod
getGradeValue() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.DetailedCourse
Returns the grade value of this DetailedCourse.
getGradingPeriod() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.GradeGroup
getGradingPeriodName() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.GradeGroup
getHrefAttrib() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.GradeGroup
getL() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.util.Pair
getLetterGrade() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.GradeGroup
getName() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getNumberGrade() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.GradeGroup
getPassword() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.UserConfig
getPersonName() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.User
getPsInstallURL() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.client.DefaultPowerschoolClient
getQualityPoints() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.UserGpa
Returns the number of quality points.
getR() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.util.Pair
getRoom() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
getScoredPoints() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getScoreEntryDate() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getScoreEntryDateString() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getScoreLetterGrade() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getScorePercent() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getTeacherEmail() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
getTeacherFirstName() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
getTeacherLastName() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
getTotalCreditHours() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.UserGpa
Returns the total credit hours.
getTotalPoints() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Assignment
getUser() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.Course
getUser() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.PowerschoolStatistics
Returns the user of this statistics object.
getUser() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.stat.UserGpa
Returns the User.
getUsername() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.User
getUsername() - Method in class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.user.UserConfig
GradeGroup - Class in org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail
Class that represents a group of grades
GradeGroup(DocumentFetcher, String, float, ColumnMode, String) - Constructor for class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.GradeGroup
General constructor
GradeGroup(DocumentFetcher, ColumnMode) - Constructor for class org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail.GradeGroup
GradingPeriod - Enum in org.dnsge.powerschoolapi.detail
Enum that represents a specific GradingPeriod for a GradeGroup
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